Thursday, March 13, 2008

"The project would virtually wipe the city of Palmer off the map.”

Trans-Texas Corridor to cut 8,400 acres in Ellis County

BLUE TUBE – The blue on the map shows the proposed area for Gov. Rick Perry’s Trans-Texas Corridor for Ellis County, a move that would swipe an estimated 8,400 acres of land. The towns of Palmer, Garrett, Avalon and pockets of Ennis and Waxahachie are in the trajectory of the proposed route.


The Ellis County Press
Copyright 2008

PALMER – The revised route of the Trans-Texas Corridor could consume 8,400 acres of the eastern part of the county, according to maps obtained through, the statewide group opposed to Gov. Rick Perry’s proposed network of tollways.

The portion of the corridor set to transverse Ellis County is referred to as TTC-35, with four priority routes planned to be operating with traffic by 2014.

Designated as the “preferred alternative route,” TTC-35 consists of 4,000 miles of “priority corridors,” according to the Texas Department of Transportation.

The project would virtually wipe the city of Palmer off the map if successful, according to an analysis by The Ellis County Press.

An estimated 500,000 acres of Texas land would be consumed to build the primary corridors, according to TxDOT. That equates to one mile for every 146 acres of land.

Although denied by TxDOT Commissioner Ted Houghton, the corridors are believed to be extended from Mexico to Canada. Houghton made his remarks at a public forum when the question was posed, followed by laughter.

“They [TTC-35 and TTC-69] stop at Brownsville,” Houghton said. “Let’s get the facts straight.”

The forum of over 800 Texans who packed an east Texas high school public forum continued to laugh.

More than 14,000 Texans have attended more than 50 TTC-35 hearings regarding numerous issues ranging from eminent domain to national security.

Hearings resulted in the Texas Legislature passing a two-year moratorium regarding the super-highway-rail-utility project.

However, according to The Official Trans-Texas Corridor Plan, “…acquiring property for all components must begin as soon as possible.”

According to Phillip Russell, director of the Texas Turnpike Authority,”…we are very aggressive, we’re very serious about it [TTC] and we are going to move forward on it.”

Several elected officials in Ellis County dismissed the concerns raised by Palmer-area residents by referring to the date of the TTC maps (2006) and how the project has been put on 'hold.'

In parts of Ennis, some residents have erected anti-TTC billboard-like yard signs in protest.

Currently, no public hearings are scheduled for Ellis County.

Citizen “HOW TOs” for the TTC-69 HEARINGS & COMMENTS

KEY IDEAS: As IMPORTANT as the Hearings are in expanding opposition to the Trans-Texas Corridor projects AND submitting Comments in OPPOSITION, the most IMPORTANT battle remains in the Texas Legislature in 2009. Transportation policy and funding in Texas must be reformed. The key to waging that battle is to stay in contact with and pressure members of the Texas Senate & House of Representatives. Send them & County Officials a copy of your comments to remind them that it remains a top priority and one that will determine who you support in office.

KEY PHRASES: To OPPOSE the TTC-69 project, use the phrases.. “I oppose the TTC-69” and “I support the NO Action Alternative” at the beginning of ALL Comments for the Record.

Ground Rules: You do NOT need to live, work, or own property in the path of TTC-69 to participate in these Public Hearings. You are NOT limited to attending ONLY one meeting OR only a meeting where you live. You CAN attend & Comment at as many of the Hearing locations as you wish. You CAN submit Comments for the record in any OR all of the 3 Forms below.

3 WAYS : Official Comments about TTC-69 “for the record” are allowed in 3 Forms (and will be taken until March 19th).

Important in all 3: The present Online Form does not include a box to check to indicate that you don’t support any TTC route with the “I Oppose the TTC-69” and “I Support the NO Action Alternative”. If citizens are properly informed they may simply include those phrases prominently at the opening of all Comments. Those key phrases should then be followed by your personal reasons for opposition to the Trans-Texas Corridor 69. In ANY of the 3 formats give your NAME, ADDRESS, etc.

COMMENTS may be submitted in ALL three ways, if you wish. In ALL formats give your NAME, ADDRESS, etc., so that the Comments are included in the official record.

Remember: The present Online Form does not include a box to check to indicate that you don’t support any TTC route with the “I Oppose the TTC-69” and “I Support the NO Action Alternative.”

© 2008, Ellis County Press:

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